

AGP108 includes two works by Neil Rolnick (both sides of CRI SD 540) and one by Barton McLean (one side of CRI SD 335). Rolnick's works are both for synthesizer(s) and chamber ensemble. The rhythmic structures in the Rolnick works remind me in places of Carla Bley's Musique Mecanique. The sound quality and choice of timbres is delicious. Barton McLean's contribution employs a more limited range of timbres, but with nice rhythmic and motivic development.

The other side of CRI SD 335 contains Priscilla McLean's "Dance of Dawn", which is available on a CD of works by both Barton and Priscilla entitled Electronic Landscapes, and is therefore not included in this installment. Mimaroglu Music Sales distributes the CD, or it can be bought from the McLeans themselves on their website.

The installment includes a PDF file with scans of the liner notes from both LPs.

To download AGP108 files, right-click on each of the following links and select SAVE LINK AS.

11 - Neil Rolnick, Á La Mode, 1984 [19:35]

12 - Neil Rolnick, Real Time, 1983 [17:31]

13 - Barton McLean, Spirals, 1973 [22:03]

Liner notes from LPs

AGP108 description

FLAC fingerprints