

AGP132 is a transcription of a Thorofon Capella LP (MTH 239) featuring works by the German composer Werner Heider. One of Heider's works was included in AGP94, which contains a PDF file with biographical information about the composer. The works in this installment were all composed between 1972 and 1975, and are consistently engaging. Heider by design adopted a new compositional approach with every work, rather than cultivating a consistent personal style.

Thorofon's pressings were always of the highest quality, and the recordings of these works are rich and detailed. The installment includes a PDF file with scans of the liner notes from the LPs transcribed for this installment and AGP133.

To download AGP132 files, right-click on each of the following links and select SAVE LINK AS.

01 - Stundenbuch for 12 singers and 13 brass, 1972 [16:11]

02 - Plakat for orchestra, 1974 [11:42]

03 - Commission for singer and chamber ensemble, 1972 [9:19]

04 - Sinfonie no. 1 for orchestra, 1975 [17:35]

Liner notes from LPs

AGP132 description

FLAC fingerprints