AGP88 is the
first of four featuring works by the British composer Harrison
Birtwistle. Born in 1934, he came of age with Peter Maxwell Davies and
Alexander Goehr, and like them studied in Manchester. Birtwistle's
music belongs to no clearly identifiable school. It is characterized by
a fine ear for both harmony and orchestration, and some rather unusual
approaches to musical structure. I particularly love how, in works like
Nomos, he uses glissandi to draw pairs of notes away from and back
towards the unison, thus exploring a range of microtonal intervals and
producing an effect that crosses the line between harmony and timbre. A
similar approach is used in Dieter Schnebel's In Motu Proprio (AGP15). 01 -
Tragoedia, 1965 [20:41] (from
ArkivMusic) 03 - Imaginary
Landscape, 1971 [20:02] |