Many of the programs are included largely for the sake of completion;
they are not essential components of the SNDAN suite, but may be of use
to more expert users.
"Dump" is the standard term for writing all data to a file for
examination; typically for diagnostic purposes.
This reads two analysis files and perform operations on them
together. It assumes that the two files have the same data sizes,
i.e., their nhar and npts are the same. The program computes the errors
between the corresponding amplitude and frequency arrays of the two
files and prints the results.
Command line:
differror infile1 infile2
Converts .an files in 'simple' format to 'compact' format. See
for information of the different storage formats.
Several files can be processed in a single run - the program prompts
for the number of files, and for their names. Optionally, the number of
harmonics for each file to retaiin can be specified. The program prompts
the user for all information.
Command line:
tocompact [-nh]
If the -nh flag is used, enter the filename and the number of harmonics
to retain, when prompted. Otherwise, just the filename is required.
A program to generate a simple pulse-wave soundfile, for testing purposes.
A number of harmonics can be specified, with randomized or coherent phases.
The program prompts for all parameters.
Extract multiple segments from a single soundfile. This is really quite
useful! Parameters control how a distinct segment is recognized, according
to amplitude threshold, and the time above it. This would work especially
well with percussive samples. Output filenames are generated automatically.
Any existing files with these names will be over-written.
Command line:
sextract [-t<at>] [-d<md>] [-r<td>] <infile>.{snd,wav}
at : threshold amplitude
(range 0 to 32767, default = 100)
md : minimum duration
(default: .5 sec)
td : transition duration
(default: .1 sec)
Output files z<n>.snd or z<n>.wav are automatically generated,
where <n> = 1, 2, ...
Displays the header information within an analysis file (.an format
or .mq format). the information is more comprehensive than that shown by
other SNDAN programs
Command line:
This plots monaural or stereo sample file data in either waveform or
envelope mode. The user has control over the time interval of data
displayed and the range of the vertical scale. Only one channel is
shown at a time. The program reads files in .snd, .wav, .sh and .fp formats.
requires an eps viewer, such as GSVIEW (see Installing
SNDAN). Windows users will most probably prefer to ue a more modern
GUI-based soundfile viewer. However, this has the advantage of reading
raw binary data files, which can be useful for programmers. The eps graphics
output is also vey printer-friendly.
Command line:
sigplot [-y<SIGMAX>] [-v<YMAX>] [-s<SR>] [-c<NCHANS>]
[-e] [-r] [-m<MAXPTS>] -x] <samp_file>
: the max. abs y value of the data values to be
plotted (default = 20000)
: same as <SIGMAX> except that unipolar (envelope)
plot is invoked
: the sample rate in samples/sec. with default
of 22050
: the number of channels (default = 1)
: puts sp into envelope mode,
: puts sp into research mode
-m<MAXPTS> : gives the max.
no. pts. plotted (1024 default)
: reverses the byte order of samples in '.sh'
or '.fp' files
: input sound/data file
Initially, the user is prompted for a pair of time values (float
values in seconds separated by a comma) over which the signal is to be
plotted. After each graph is completed the following commands are operational:
CR alone causes the next graph to continue from the first.
-CR causes the previous graph frame to appear
't' followed by CR results in a request for new pair of times
'v' CR allows the user to specify a new vertical range.
'm' CR sets new value of max pts plotted
'c' CR toggles the channel No. for stereo sample files
'e' CR toggles envelope/signal mode.
's' CR computes an FFT of current window size for given time, channel
'sr' CR computes an FFT ratio of current window size for given time
'h' CR toggles the help menu (on/off) (printed in the
eps file)
'q' CR erases plot and quits program.