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AGP35 takes up back to the formative years of the avant garde. In fact, the earliest use (in English) of "avant garde" to refer to the cutting edge of artistic style was from that era. And the avant garde spirit was nowhere more active in that time than in Berlin. This is the first of two installments devoted to selections from a 4LP set released on Thorofon in 1986, entitled "Musik Zwischen den Kriegen" (Music Between the Wars). One CD of material from this set has been released and is currently available. A title search for "The Thirties" on Amazon should bring it up. This installment and AGP36 contain almost all of the remaining tracks. Since these compositions are no longer under copyright protection, I have included a few that are available in other recordings, but most of these tracks feature compositions that are not currently available on CD in any recording. The installment includes a text file containing the English-language notes from the booklet that came with the set. To download
AGP35 files, right-click on each of the following links and select SAVE
LINK AS. For scans of some of the liner notes not included in the TXT
file, download this PDF file.
All rights for materials presented on dream.cs.bath.ac.uk/AvantGardeProject belong to the artists.
All materials are for non-commercial and/or educational use only.